On 17 June 2020, sixteen guests from industry and research organizations virtually met each other to explore the possibility of partnering up on future research projects related to the operations and diagnosis of PV plants. This matchmaking session was organized in the framework of the PV Impact project, a Coordination and Support Action funded under the H2020 programme, whose global aim is to stimulate PV research, development and innovation initiatives in Europe. As member of the consortium and expert in PV fault diagnosis, 3E was the technical lead of this event.
The PV Impact project, in which 3E is participating, is supporting the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan for PV through several approaches. First, by monitoring the progress of PV technology as well as public and private spending in PV R&D. Second, by modelling the data and forecasting scenarios towards 2030 and by making recommendations to European funding authorities based on several scenarios. Third, by supporting two industrial companies, i.e. ENEL Green Power and Photowatt, in their contribution to the objectives of the Implementation Plan. And finally, by organizing a series of interactive matchmaking events bringing industry and R&D players together, such as the one that took place on 17 June 2020.
These sessions aim to foster partnerships between industry and research organizations on future PV projects under (trans)national funding schemes. Each of these events focuses on one of the five industry-focused activities of the Implementation Plan, namely (1) PV for BIPV and similar applications, (2) technologies for silicon solar cells and modules with higher quality, (3) new technologies & materials, (4) manufacturing technologies (for cSi and thin film), and (5) operations and diagnosis of photovoltaic plants.
The latter topic created a great deal of interest. Sixteen companies were selected among the many applications for their relevance, expertise and project ideas. After a short presentation on funding mechanisms, the participants joined the virtual conversation tables to pitch their project ideas and/or explain their potential contribution and value to each idea and/or organization. The one-to-one speed-dating format of these sessions enabled the participants to quickly identify whether their interlocutor had an initiative they would like to be part of.
Mauricio Richter, Head of Innovation at 3E and Work Package leader for the PV Impact project, explains:
“As technical lead of the event of 17 June, we at 3E were keen to bring companies active in the field of operation & diagnosis of PV plants together. The event ran smoothly, and we are glad to hear that participants came out of this session with concrete perspectives for possible collaboration.
With the PV Impact consortium, we will now help these relationships take root and help the best projects proposals move towards the next steps.”
More information on the activities and matchmaking events of the PV Impact project on www.pvimpact.eu