The Clean Energy for EU Islands recently published the Islands Transition Handbook, co-written by Simon De Clercq and Marina Montero Carrero from 3E.
As explained on the website of the EU Islands Secretariat, this is ‘an action-oriented guide to start and help navigate the transition towards clean energy for your island. The handbook instructs on how to develop a Clean Energy Transition Agenda and provides inspiration for the next steps as well as a check-list for clean energy transition management’.
Simon De Clercq, Consultant Grids & Markets at 3E and part of the technical support of the Secretariat, adds: ‘The Islands Transition Handbook was presented at the Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum in Croatia to island stakeholders and acts as a reference framework for strategic energy planning for island regions in the EU. The Handbook stands on the shoulders of strong island histories and cultures, experiences from existing energy planning processes and multi-stakeholder engagement projects and applies learnings and practices from transition management to the island context’.