The second phase of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat has just been launched by the European Commission. At its head is 3E who will act as a coordinator and technical advisor. By matching bottom-up initiatives with expert support, the Secretariat aims to enable European islands to implement their decarbonisation projects and to have a real impact on local and European energy transition processes.
Building on the work and lessons learned during phase I, 3E will together with its project partners further help European islands to move beyond their transition agendas and energy strategies towards project implementation. This will be achieved by supporting the design and financing of the islands’ projects, building capacity and addressing the legal regulatory barriers.
Simon De Clercq, Strategy & Policy officer at 3E, explains:
“We are eager to build on the foundations of the Secretariat’s first phase to ensure continuity in the support to the islands. We will work according to an inclusive approach in which all islands, regardless of the phase of energy transition, can play a role. Our focus lies on supporting autonomous action of islands to transform their energy systems to be more sustainable, collective and decentralised."
As the coordinator of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, 3E will oversee the internal daily management, the quality and the delivery of the implementation of the contract, and will be the link between the European Commission and the Secretariat. Additionally, 3E will monitor the energy transition on the islands, coordinate regional networks of support, and provide expertise to clean energy activities.
Next to this leading role, 3E will provide technical assistance to islands in all stages of transition. To empower islands to make well-informed energy decisions, 3E will also offer dedicated training sessions to build local and regional capacity.
Jan Cornillie, Head of Strategy & Policy at 3E, says:
“We believe the islands could be the first to get to net zero in Europe, using renewable and smart technologies, mobilising the whole community to take part in the clean energy transition and showing that decarbonisation can be affordable for all. We will support the European islands to explore, shape and act on the path towards net zero."
More information on the website of the Clean Energy for EU Islands project.
Cannot wait to start your transition agenda? Check out the Islands Transition Handbook co-authored by Simon De Clercq and Marina Montero Carrero from 3E during phase 1 of the project.